While browsing eBay some weeks ago, I found a faulty DS lite for seven dollars with free shipping. According to the seller, the console was not powering up. I remembered that a while ago, Farrapo said that a common problem with the DS Lite, it is that one (or both) of the fuses on the […]
Category: Electronics
Fixing a Game Boy Advance with bubbles on the screen- zero cost.
I told about a Game Boy Advance I bought on post last week, and how I got its schematics and service Manual. I also talked that its screen had a problem. Well, now it is a little better, not perfect but it definitely works.
Game Boy Advance service manual and schematics.
Last week i put my hands on a GBA with two problems: the sound was very low and the screen was not showing the images very well, explained on a next post. I thought that also there was a problem with power, but it was just the batteries. I never had an Game Boy Advance […]
Mega Drive cart fix.
Hey, welcome again! This time i want to share my Mega Drive flash cart made of old BIOS chips. I made it because my Sonic cart was not working since always. I used Arduino, Python and a bit of Processing (nice to show visual info) to programm. Sorry for the bad pictures and a good […]