The board basics. In a prior post, I presented my hardware project for a Game Boy cartridge reader. Since then, I had some time to write some code for it. I thought that a good start would be writing the routines for basic operations, like outputting address and data into the pins of the microcontroller, […]

Android, Activities and how to switch between multiple screens
Good morning, good afternoon and good night, folks. Your application will be very boring if there is a single screen. You will need to learn how to create multiple screens and make the transition between them. Using the Android APIs, Activity and Intent classes, these tasks become very simple. Alternating between Activities Transmitting data between two Activities

Fixing a Game Boy Advance with bubbles on the screen- zero cost.
I told about a Game Boy Advance I bought on post last week, and how I got its schematics and service Manual. I also talked that its screen had a problem. Well, now it is a little better, not perfect but it definitely works.

Game Boy Advance service manual and schematics.
Last week i put my hands on a GBA with two problems: the sound was very low and the screen was not showing the images very well, explained on a next post. I thought that also there was a problem with power, but it was just the batteries. I never had an Game Boy Advance […]

Mega Drive cart fix.
Hey, welcome again! This time i want to share my Mega Drive flash cart made of old BIOS chips. I made it because my Sonic cart was not working since always. I used Arduino, Python and a bit of Processing (nice to show visual info) to programm. Sorry for the bad pictures and a good […]

Using Android Studio to create apps
If you want to learn how to develop mobile applications, it is essential to understand the tools that will allow you that. Without the use of IDEs (Integrated Development Environment), it would be very difficult to create apps for your Android device, because you would have to deal alone with the organization of the directory […]