Intro Some time ago I got one of these transistor testers on eBay for around 10$. It is quite useful, specially because my multimeter does not measure capacitance or inductance. I did a samll write up about it in portuguese here. First thing I noticed was the popular Atmega 328p on the back of the […]
Author: Robson Couto
Backup and Burning of Playstation/PocketStation saves
Hey Hackaday readers! Unfortunately this post is not about reverse engineering of the pocketStation, I guess Hackaday got it wrong because the original post is in Portuguese. Yet, it actually is about how I got to burn new ROMs and read its contents as well. If you like to stay, enjoy yourself. Intro I would […]
frases para animar a namorada
Versão em Português aqui. Intro Recently I acquired a SNES. But it only came with a bootleg Mortal Kombat cartridge. Searching for games I found a lot of repro cartridges (Cartridges with the ROM swapped) being sold at local second hand selling websites. The problem is that they are sold usually at prices comparing to […]
Downloading Game Boy Camera pictures to the PC.
Intro The Game Boy camera, one one my favourite pieces of hardware so far. I would like to say that I had one since I was a child with some old pictures, but I can’t. I got my Game Boy camera some time around last summer, I even had already started the game boy project, […]
Nintendo DS Fuse Fast Fix
While browsing eBay some weeks ago, I found a faulty DS lite for seven dollars with free shipping. According to the seller, the console was not powering up. I remembered that a while ago, Farrapo said that a common problem with the DS Lite, it is that one (or both) of the fuses on the […]
Dumping Game Boy MBC1 cartridges.
Hello people! We will continue the quest of reading Game Boy cartridges .This will be the first post about reading the whole cartridge (both ROM and RAM). But we will focus in MBC1 cartridges for now. Example of MBC1 cartridges are Pokémon Red and Blue, Super Mario Land 3, and Link’s Awakening. Last post we […]
Game Boy Pak Reader & The Cartridge Header.
The board basics. In a prior post, I presented my hardware project for a Game Boy cartridge reader. Since then, I had some time to write some code for it. I thought that a good start would be writing the routines for basic operations, like outputting address and data into the pins of the microcontroller, […]